Sunday, September 25, 2005

it's over

Ok. The "storm" has passed. I'm back home. There's a big pecan branch in my walkway which fell precisely between my roof and my fence. There are lots of little branches that fell pretty much everywhere. There are a couple of big big big trees down around my neighborhood, particularly at a bend in the street where it looks like the wind must have gotten really pissed off at being blocked. That's it.

I've moved all my furniture back to under the windows, creating once again a harbor for lost dog toys and wads of doghair. I've stacked my cans of Progresso soup under my cabinet since they don't really fit, and have rescued the garbage cans from my garage.

It all almost feels normal.

Tho' I suppose it was too much to hope for to have my New York Times delivered. A Sunday puzzle would make me very happy....


Anonymous said...

Well, if bonsai trees aren't interesting enough for you to spend your time on, you can always log on to the NY Times website and pay, like $5 month, and get your xword fix that way.

Anonymous said...

Be prepared for the next hurricane katrina photo or find another one that's similar. As the Boy Scouts say: "Be Prepared"!